We have a new reviewing facility through Reviews.co.uk and are proud to be boasting an excellent average review score of 4.96 out of 5 based on feedback from over 50 customers.  You can view our publicly posted reviews from both our Guests and Landlords on our dedicated Reviews page or on our Homepage.

We strive to provide the best service and experience possible for both Guests and Landlords and this new system will help us to continuously improve.  We are so happy that guests are enjoying their stays with Glasgow City Flats and that Landlords feel their property is achieving its potential with our excellent Property Management Service.

Review Us

If you wish to leave a review regarding your recent stay or the excellent service levels you have experienced with us, please do so here.  We would love to hear about your experience with Glasgow City Flats!

Glasgow City Flats
Tel: 0141 226 3534
Email: enquiries@glasgowcityflats.com
Website: www.glasgowcityflats.com

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